
Tabligh department UK presents a compilation of inspiring articles by members of Lajna Imaillah UK.

Huzoor’s (aba) Address from Ladies Jalsa Gah – Jalsa Salana UK 2023

A diverse group of over 450 women came together at the 12th Annual Peace Symposium held by Lajna
Ima’illah, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association UK, on Sunday 11th June to celebrate and further the
journey women have made towards achieving a more equitable and empowering society for women, following
the theme of this year’s International Women’s Day. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association is also
celebrating its centenary year since its establishment in 1922.

Taleem & Tarbiyyat Class 2023: This presentation is about principles of prayer and etiquette of salat.

This is a new resource prepared by the Tabligh Department to guide and support lajna in their tabligh efforts, Insha’Allah. The Handbook contains a wealth of information on how to conduct effective tabligh, including reading lists, answers to frequently asked questions and handy QR links where you can get further information on the topics covered.

On the occasion of the start of the Lajna Centenary, Sadr Lajna UK sent a beautiful letter to all Lajna Members in the country.

Syllabus for Advanced Studies 2022-2023 Taleem Department Lajna Ima’illah UK

Available now

The Umoore Talibaat department presents a new quarterly topic about the benefits and harm of social media, peer pressure and the guidance from Huzoor (aba).