
Nau Mubai’at November Newsletter

The Monthly New Convert Newsletter is shared with New Converts all over the UK. Every month the newsletter is uniquely designed by a New Convert for the New Converts!


Fazl Mosque & Baitul Futuh

From 3rd November 2024











Tabligh Workshop

Tabligh Workshop

Please join us for an interactive and informative TABLIGH workshop on Sunday 8 December 2024 10AM – 11AM. This month’s focus is Marriage in Islam.

Book Of The Year

Book Of The Year

Ahmadiyyat Or The True Islam was first published in 1924. It is an extended treatise of a lecture read at The Conference of Living Religions Within the Empire in London.



An Nusrat Lajna magazine is a platform which provides an opportunity for Ahmadi women to serve the community through their intellect and writing skills. It is a quarterly magazine published and distributed by Lajna Imaillah UK. The Special Centenary Issue and the latest An Nusrat editions are available on An Nusrat page.

Taleem October Urdu Lesson Plan

Taleem October Urdu Lesson Plan

A monthly Talim lesson plan will be shared in Urdu with the purpose to help and guide you in covering the objectives for each term of the Talim syllabus. The lesson plan can be used to facilitate workshops and group activities as well as for self study. We will also include links to Talim resources to help further knowledge and understanding of the concepts covered.

Lajna Ima'illah United Kingdom

Women's Auxiliary Organisation of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community

Lajna Ima’illah commonly known as Lajna is the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association, an auxiliary organisation of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Our name means handmaidens of Allah. We were first established in 1922 in India as an empowered women’s organisation by His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-din Mahmud Ahmad (may Allah be pleased with him) who was the Community’s second worldwide spiritual head known as Khalifatul Masih. Lajna Ima’illah UK is a Registered Charity with number 1189468.

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