Industry and Handicraft

The Industry and Handicraft department is a platform that enables ladies and girls to learn a variety of skills that not only can help earn money but aid in our moral training and well-being.


“And that man will have nothing but what he strives for and that the result of his striving shall soon be known”.

(Holy Quran 53 :40)

Secretary Industry and Handicraft


According to Tareekh Lajna (History of Lajna Vol 1), the department traces its beginnings as early as October 1926 when ladies of the Jamaat resolved to sell their handmade knitted and cotton garments to raise money for the Jamaat. On 30th October a gathering was held in Hazrat Mian Bashir Ahmad Sahib’sra house. Items were sold and the proceeds went to the Tabligh Fund. The next year, in 1927 the first exhibition or ‘numaish’ was held which showcased handicraft items made by ladies. There was an entry ticket for the exhibition. The winner of this exhibition was a lady named Amatul Mughni Shameeem Sahiba who embroidered a banner of blue velvet with the words of the revelation ‘Alaisallaho’ in silver thread. She was awarded a silver medal. After this, an exhibition was held every year. By 1928, it was thought to solidify this work into a separate Lajna Department, of which the exhibition would be a part. (Tareekh Lajna Vol 1 Dec 1970 pg 192-194)

Role of  Industry and Handicraft Secretary

  • To educate members about the purpose of the department and to motivate them in this regard
  • To attend meetings and keep up to date with what is going on in the department
  • To organize classes to teach members core skills in handicrafts and sewing on a quarterly basis i.e one per quarter. To make sure that the syllabus is covered
  • To organize members to contribute items for exhibitions To help raise funds
  • To work with the Central Team
  • To encourage members to learn new skills especially in art and crafts so that they are equipped with tools necessary to earn money if they so desire.


The real objective of Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) in establishing this department was to provide work for needy women so that they may improve their living standard. Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) states: “No one should remain idle. In our nation, no one should remain inactive. Everyone should do hard work, learn skills and, when the need arises, should not feel dependent upon others.”

95. With the permission of Sadr Lajna Imaillah Mulk Secretary San’at wa Dastkari shall make arrangements for holding exhibitions of handicrafts, the purpose being to make Ahmadi ladies skilful and to eradicate inactivity.

96. Secretary San’at wa Dastakari shall be responsible to maintain regular accounts of exhibitions.

97. It shall be the responsibility of Secretary San’at wa Dastkari to prepare and submit an annual report to the Majlis Amila Mulk concerning the exhibitions held in local Majalis during the year.

98. It is the duty of Secretary San’at wa Dastkari that she shall constantly remind Lajna members about exhibitions and think of ways and ideas to improve the work of her department with continuous efforts.

99. Secretary San’at wa Dastkari has the authority to arrange for the preparation of such articles that are worthwhile and profitable.

Industry & Handicraft Winners 2024

Industry & Handicraft Winners 2024

The Industry and Handicraft department held a nationwide competition in the fourth quarter, encouraging lajna members to showcase their upcycling and renovating talents. Alhamdulilah, lajna from across the country participated. Mubarak to the winners and...

Industry and Handicraft

Industry and Handicraft

The new syllabus of 2023-2024 has been added along with the images of the quilt competion held by Lajna UK.

Online Sewing Course

Online Sewing Course

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