The Voice of British Muslim Women Podcast, a feature of our blogsite, is the Ahmadiyya Muslim Women’s Association UK’s official podcast. Here, we discuss the different aspects of faith and womanhood in the context of living here in Britain. We aim to examine and interrogate what it means to be a Muslim woman living in the 21st Century with guests ranging from many professional backgrounds and spheres of life.
Available on our website and now on Soundcloud!
This special commemorative issue of An-Nusrat is a celebration of 100 years of Lajna Ima’illah. We have included an article on ‘Love and obedience to Khilafat’ which highlights our bond to khilafat beautifully.
We have also included articles outlining the history of the different departments within Lajna Ima’illah UK which show the gradual development and key milestones that were reached in the last 100 years of Lajna Ima’illah and in particular with regards to Lajna Ima’illah UK.
We hope our readers are inspired and motivated on reading this Special issue which is in itself a tribute to Lajna Ima’illah who have compiled and written all the articles contained in this magazine.