Khidmat-e-Khalq department endeavours to help those who need help in our society. As per the beautiful teachings of Islam, Lajna Ima’illah UK strives to relieve pain and sufferings of mankind and to create a bond of love and harmony amongst one another regardless of race, culture and creed.
Secretary Khidmat-e-Khalq
Khidmat-e-Khalq Syllabus
January – March 2025
“You are the best people ever raised for the good of mankind because you have been raised to serve others; you enjoin what is good and forbid evil and believe in Allah”.
(Holy Quran 3:111)
Khidmat-e-Khalq means service of all humanity as Hazrat Musleh Maud RA stated:
“By Khidmat Khalq I do not mean service of Ahmadis or Muslims alone, rather I means service of all creations of Allah, without distinction of religion or nation, to the extent that even if an enemy is in difficulty, you should help him. This is true sense of Khidmat Khalq”.
(30th October 1952-Al Fazl 1st November 1952)
“And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and show kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neighbour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess. Surely, Allah loves not the proud and the boastful”.
(Holy Quran 4:37)
Lajna Ima’illah UK’s efforts during the Covid-19 crises
Lajna Ima’illah UK has been actively trying to fulfil the rights of the neighbours, elderly and the vulnerable during this pandemic. Cooked food has been distributed to those neighbours who are vulnerable and may be sheltering. Lajna have been helping in collecting and dropping prescriptions to local residents too.
Highlights from the previous years
Lajna Ima’illah UK has been actively trying to fulfil the rights of the neighbours, elderly and the vulnerable during this pandemic. Cooked food has been distributed to those neighbours who are vulnerable and may be sheltering. Lajna have been helping in collecting and dropping prescriptions to local residents too.
Raised for Orphan Fund in year 2019
Raised and donated to Charity Women’s Aid in 2019
Raised for Macmillan Cancer Support in year 2018
Khidmate Khalq means service of all humanity as Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) has stated: “By Khidmate Khalq I do not mean service of Ahmadis or Muslims alone, rather it means service of all creation of Allah, without distinction of religion or nation, to the extent that even if an enemy is in difficulty, you should help him. This is the true sense of Khidmate Khalq.” (30th October 1952 – Al Fazl 1st November 1952)
60. It is the duty of Secretary Khidmate Khalq that she should be attentive towards the teaching of skills to the women of needy families.
61. It is the duty of Secretary Khidmate Khalq that she shall try to instil within members respect for hard work and effort.
62. Secretary Khidmate Khalq should be attentive towards the free education of needy children and classes should be organised for them.
63. It is the duty of Secretary Khidmate Khalq to remind members to be mindful of the needs of their neighbours. In the Holy Quran there is a commandment to give to relatives. In this regard Hazrat Khalifatul – Masih V (aba) has stated in his Friday Sermon of 1st June 2007: “Treat your close relatives well, not just those with whom you have good relations and those you like. You should treat well even those you do not like and whose nature does not agree with you”. (Al Fazl 17th July 2007)
64. It shall be the responsibility of Secretary Khidmate Khalq to adopt such measures that instil in the members, the desire to help the poor and needy women. To achieve this objective, the Secretary Khidmate Khalq shall devise schemes for the benefit of the Creation of God. Moreover, she shall try to eradicate unemployment among women so that they can become self-reliant.