Assalamo Alaikum,
Welcome to the parenting programme aimed at supporting parents to understand and address contemporary parenting issues with their children. On this page you will be able to access video recordings covering four topic areas:
- Social Media & E-Safety
- Identity Crisis Integrating to British Society
- Emotional health & wellbeing (Self Esteem)
Throughout all workshops examples are given from the Holy Quran, Ahadiths, the books of the Promised Messiah (as) and guidance from beloved Huzoor (aba).
In addition to the parenting videos provided on this page you can also speak to your local parenting advocate who can be contacted through your local sadr. She will be able to assist you to join parenting classes as soon as these are available. Some areas may choose to run classes online through platforms such as Zoom and others may choose to run parenting programmes in other ways. Face to face programmes should not be undertaken until the national period of social distancing has been lifted by the UK Government.
Over the next few weeks our parenting subject matter experts will be providing advice and guidance to your local parenting advocates to ensure they are fully conversant with the materials to enable them to support you in full.
Secretary Tarbiyyat, Lajna Imaillah UK
RSE from an Islamic Perspective
Parents are requesting support to understand how best to address the topic of RSE from a religious...
Emotional Health & Wellbeing (Self Esteem)
The purpose of this workshop is to support parents to invest time in their children with particular focus on quality time. Understanding the importance of creating time and space to allow children to discuss their emotions and assisting them to work through how to identify solutions.
Identity Crisis Integrating to British Society
Some children struggle with how to be a British Muslim and may not know how to combine the best of...
Social Media & E-Safety
This workshop focuses on protecting children and young people against the ills of society some of which include grooming, cyber bullying and platforms .