Stories of Prophets

Hazrat Hud (ra)

Hazrat Hud (ra)

The Holy Qur’an, a guide to all mankind, has given detailed accounts on how messengers of Allah conveyed His Divine teachings. The steadfastness demonstrated by the prophets is inspiring and I feel an important means for youngsters to strengthen their own approach to their faith. These stories remind us that even through hardships and doubt that firm faith in Allah the Almighty is the only route to salvation.

Hazrat Nuh (peace be on him) and The Great Flood

Hazrat Nuh (peace be on him) and The Great Flood

The story of Hazrat Nuh (peace be on him) is one which shows how Allah rewards those who listen to Him and warns those who do not. Hazrat Nuh (peace be on him) came from the same family as Hazrat Adam (peace be on him) and came as a warner to his people.