Prophets of God

Become an expert on the Prophets of Allah the Almighty with this wonderful book! You will get the chance to learn the names of 28 Prophets and even complete some exciting activities. This book specifically draws attention to Hazrat Yasa as, Hazrat Luqman as, Hazrat Uzair as, Hazrat Idris as and their exciting journeys toward attaining spiritual fulfilment. Take this opportunity to adopt some new role models in Islam when you learn about the practise of these Prophets and their ways of pleasing Allah the Almighty.

Hazrat Ibrahim as

Delve into the story of Hazrat Ibrahim as who was the Father of all Prophets– also titled ‘Abbul Ambiyaa’! Learn more about the beautiful story of the devout Prophet who made one of the greatest sacrifices which even included his own son. Therefore, take a look at the story of Hazrat Ibrahim as so that you too can learn how to prioritise your faith over all other aspects of life, for the sake of Allah the Almighty.

Hazrat Sulaiman as

Dive into the story of the Prophet, Hazrat Sulaiman as , also known as Soloman in English, and his journey of guiding people toward accepting and believing in the One, True God. The aim of Hazrat Sulaiman as was to lead people toward rejecting idol worship, and in this short story you will be able to learn more about how Hazrat Sulaiman as achieved this through his efforts with the Sabaeans, and Queen Saba.

The Story Of Hazrat Ya’qoob as

Hazrat Ya’qoob as was the son of Hazrat Ishaaq as, and the grandson of Hazrat Ibrahim as- all Prophets! In fact, Hazrat Ya’qoob as was also the father to Hazrat Yusuf as who was another Prophet of Allah. In The Holy Qur’an it states that the Prophet grew up to be an extremely pious man, a leader, a doer of good works, an eager observer of prayers, and giver of alms. So, why wouldn’t we want to learn as much as possible about another one of Allah the Almighty’s admirable Prophets!

Hazrat Nawab Mubarakah Begum (ra)

Honoured as one of the original 14 members of Lajna Ima’illah, the experiences and practise of Hazrat Nawab Mubarka Begum Sahiba ra remain to exist among those treasures that every Ahmadi woman should strive to embrace and adopt; like a string of jewels that one eagerly, yet humbly, displays in such a way that others will also wish to apprehend. Introduce yourself to these pages of history, advice and guidance as set out by Hazrat Nawab Mubarka Begum Sahiba ra: the daughter of the Promised Messiah as.

Wives of Hazrat Ibrahim (as)

Discover the ways in which Hazrat Ibrahim as and his two wives, Hazrat Sara and Hazrat Hajrah, overcame the many trials and tribulations presented to them in their attempts to create a family, all through the merciful help of Allah the Giver of Life. With Hazrat Sara joyously giving birth to the Prophet Ishaaq as, and Hazrat Hajrah to the Prophet Ismael as, gift yourself the opportunity to read into the patient and devoted practices of Hazrat Ibrahim as, Hazrat Sara, and Hazrat Hajrah with the intentions of adopting these virtues into your everyday lives.

Hazrat Yusuf (as)

Unravel the most blessed tales and teachings of a Prophet of Allah who, as deemed by the Holy Prophet Muhammed saw, was said to be the most noblest of men: a Prophet who derived from a bloodline of Allah’s messengers, a Prophet whose name Allah the Almighty has used to title a Surah in the Holy Qur’an, a Prophet who was saved by Allah the Protector from the consequences of evil intentions, and a Prophet who will undoubtedly introduce to you the pious attributes that are, good judgment, knowledge and strength- all of which we should endeavour to embed into our daily practices.

History of Lajna Ima’illah – Volume 1

This book presents itself as a graceful and meaningful compilation of chapters covering the constitution and practices of the women of the Ahmadiyya Jam’at, also known as Lajna Ima’illah. The first volume of this book will introduce to you the tales of inspirational Lajna members, our objectives and responsibilities, advice on contemporary and cultural matters, historical accounts of major events, and reports of the independent achievements of Lajna Ima’illah’s; just to name a few! Allow yourself to become engrossed in this devoted journey of the members of Lajna Ima’illah in concrete obedience and efforts to Islam-Ahmadiyyat.

First Fourteen Members of Lajna Ima’illah

This book is a reminder for Lajna members of their responsibilities and an insight into the great example of righteousness, sacrifice and courage shown by these founding members. It is hoped that by reading this book, Lajna members will be inspired to self-respect, ponder over their roles and to make changes in themselves to achieve these goals. This book will leave you nothing short of being in awe, extremely inspired and much aware of our own weaknesses.

Al-azhar Urdu Adresses by Huzoor (aba)

This book is a compilation of Urdu addresses for the benefit of the members. Each address presents itself as a petal that constitutes the growth of the virtuous flower that is the character of every member of Lajna Ima’illah. Thus, build your garden of knowledge with the addition of these flourishing words uttered by our Khalifatul Masih Vaba: a book titled Flowers for the women adorned in veils.