Stories of Prophets

Prophets of God

Prophets of God

Become an expert on the Prophets of Allah the Almighty with this wonderful book! You will get the chance to learn the names of 28 Prophets and even complete some exciting activities. This book specifically draws attention to Hazrat Yasa as, Hazrat Luqman as, Hazrat Uzair as, Hazrat Idris as and their exciting journeys toward attaining spiritual fulfilment. Take this opportunity to adopt some new role models in Islam when you learn about the practise of these Prophets and their ways of pleasing Allah the Almighty.

Hazrat Ibrahim as

Hazrat Ibrahim as

Delve into the story of Hazrat Ibrahim as who was the Father of all Prophets– also titled ‘Abbul Ambiyaa’! Learn more about the beautiful story of the devout Prophet who made one of the greatest sacrifices which even included his own son. Therefore, take a look at the story of Hazrat Ibrahim as so that you too can learn how to prioritise your faith over all other aspects of life, for the sake of Allah the Almighty.

Hazrat Sulaiman as

Hazrat Sulaiman as

Dive into the story of the Prophet, Hazrat Sulaiman as , also known as Soloman in English, and his journey of guiding people toward accepting and believing in the One, True God. The aim of Hazrat Sulaiman as was to lead people toward rejecting idol worship, and in this short story you will be able to learn more about how Hazrat Sulaiman as achieved this through his efforts with the Sabaeans, and Queen Saba.

The Story Of Hazrat Ya’qoob as

The Story Of Hazrat Ya’qoob as

Hazrat Ya’qoob as was the son of Hazrat Ishaaq as, and the grandson of Hazrat Ibrahim as- all Prophets! In fact, Hazrat Ya’qoob as was also the father to Hazrat Yusuf as who was another Prophet of Allah. In The Holy Qur’an it states that the Prophet grew up to be an extremely pious man, a leader, a doer of good works, an eager observer of prayers, and giver of alms. So, why wouldn’t we want to learn as much as possible about another one of Allah the Almighty’s admirable Prophets!

Hazrat Yusuf (as)

Hazrat Yusuf (as)

Unravel the most blessed tales and teachings of a Prophet of Allah who, as deemed by the Holy Prophet Muhammed saw, was said to be the most noblest of men: a Prophet who derived from a bloodline of Allah’s messengers, a Prophet whose name Allah the Almighty has used to title a Surah in the Holy Qur’an, a Prophet who was saved by Allah the Protector from the consequences of evil intentions, and a Prophet who will undoubtedly introduce to you the pious attributes that are, good judgment, knowledge and strength- all of which we should endeavour to embed into our daily practices.

Hazrat Zakariya (as) and Hazrat Yahya (as)

Hazrat Zakariya (as) and Hazrat Yahya (as)

Hazrat Zakariya (as) and Hazrat Yahya (as) are prophets in Islam, both were sent to the Israelites to teach them about the Oneness of God. They were from Jerusalem in Palestine and descendants of Hazrat Ishaq (as) . Hazrat Yahya (as) was the son of Hazrat Zakariya as, another prophet that has also been mentioned in the Holy Qur’an.

Prophet Jesus (as)

Prophet Jesus (as)

This publication which focuses on both the timeline of the Prophet Jesusas and how the Prophet(as) became the blessed Messiah of the Israelites proves to be an invaluable treatise of information not only in Islam, but in line with current affairs universally. Give yourself the chance to reflect on and replicate the righteous, honourable, and wise ways of the Prophet Jesus(as).

Hazrat Suhaib (as)

Hazrat Suhaib (as)

Read and learn all about the history and character of Hazrat Shuaib(as) in this informative book that not only clears the misconceptions often surrounding the identity of the blessed Prophet(as), however also preaches the value of being honest and devoted to one’s religion and the word of Allah the Almighty.

Hazrat Salih (as)

Hazrat Salih (as)

This book will give you the opportunity to go back in time and learn about the committed life of Hazrat Salih(as) in his mission to guide the Tribe of Thamud to the right path and overcome rejection from his own people. Let us learn from a Prophet who, as referred to in the Holy Qur’an, is renowned for his good character, as it was the misguided people themselves who would say “O Salih thou wast among us one in whom we placed our hopes” (11:63).

Hazrat Ismael (as)

Hazrat Ismael (as)

In the Holy Qur’an is states “Assuredly, in their narratives is a lesson for men of understanding” (12:112), and this is no less true in this inspirational narration of Hazrat Ismael(as). The Prophet Ismael(as) embodied the precious characteristics of an absolute obedience and faithfulness to Allah the Almighty; a way of life that every Ahmadi Muslim should strive to adopt.